Kitchen Remodelling Tips: Should You Buy New Kitchen Appliances?

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New Kitchen Appliances

Your kitchen plays a vital role in determining your home’s aesthetics, value, and functionality. However, most kitchen remodelling projects are associated with spiralling expenses, even if you want to stick to your budget. The increase in cost can lead to some compromises, which will hurt the project’s outcome.

During remodelling, you may realize that one of your kitchen appliances does not fit properly or looks as good in the new design. Some appliances can get damaged in the process of remodelling, thus the need to replace them. Here are some tips to help you determine whether you need to buy new kitchen appliances or not.

1. State of the current appliances

Consider the functionality of your current kitchen appliances. Do they need repairs or replacement? Check the age of the equipment and the cost of repairing it. If it is more than half its expected age and costs more than half of its new model, consider replacing it. It is cost-effective to replace than to deal with the never-ending cost of repair. New kitchen appliances are more functional and effective to use. 

2. Consider the age of the appliances

New Kitchen Appliances

Before you draw the budget for remodelling and new kitchen appliances, consider the age of your current appliances. Most appliances have a definite lifespan, so it is easy to know when to let go of the appliances.

If the remodelling falls around the same time as the time to replace the appliance, consider replacing it. If the lifespan is not too far, consider the appliance you want to replace it with, then make proper arrangements in terms of space and budget to accommodate the new appliance. 

3. Functionality of both the old and new kitchen appliances

What works well for you? Do you need a small or big fridge? How often do you use the dishwasher? Must you have a freezer? There is nothing like must-have kitchen equipment so concentrate on what makes your kitchen functional.

If you realize that the current equipment does not meet your needs, take advantage of the remodelling period to acquire and install new kitchen appliances. Plan for the new equipment and make sufficient space for them during remodelling. Side aside appliances that are no longer important to you.

4. Replace specific appliances

Here are some of the kitchen appliances you may want to replace.

  • Cooktop – Cooktops come in three categories: electric, gas, and induction, and each has specific requirements. Consider the energy efficiency and cost of installation of the cooktop selected.
  • Refrigerators – Choose between slid into place or built-in fridges. Just pick an option that best suits your kitchen.
  • Ovens – You can choose between conventional or convection ovens.
  • Microwaves – You can find built-in models, over cooktop model, or free-standing microwave

If you need to buy new kitchen appliances, measure the spaces to install them and confirm the measurements to avoid leaving too much or insufficient space. Consider the energy rating of the new kitchen appliances. It could lead to considerable cost savings in terms of finances and energy.

Be sure to decide whether you need to buy a new kitchen appliance before the remodelling begins. Confirm the appliance you want to buy, and if possible, buy them before commencing the project. Whenever in doubt, consult with a reputable kitchen remodelling company in Ottawa such as Keystone CM.

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